Applegate Transit

Connecting the Applegate Valley™

NOTICE: This is a living proposal! Service is currently being planned by AT staff, and is not yet operational! Please email for all enquiries and feedback. A draft proposal will be available for public view and commentary in the coming months.

Service Hours

Local bus service operates Monday through Friday from approximately 5:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Each local route departs every hour mornings and afternoons, and every other hour midday.

AT provides commuter express service to downtown Medford where Applegators can connect with RVTD. The express travels to Medford from 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM then returns to Applegate from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM, with reverse commute options.

† - Exact hours vary by line, see schedule for details.

Service Area

AT provides regularly scheduled service to the following areas:

  • Applegate
  • Williams
  • Provolt
  • Ruch
  • Jacksonville
  • Medford*

* - Local service available by transfer to RVTD Route 30 in Jacksonville

About AT

Applegate Transit, formally known as the Applegate Valley Transportation District is a is a private non-profit service run by Applegaters for Applegaters. AT provides local and express bus service on seven bus routes and serve over four hundred bus stops throughout the greater Applegate Valley area.